GRMC’s broad-based Cardio/Pulmonary department conducts a full scope of heart and respiratory diagnostics in one convenient suite. If your physician in our medical complex orders an EKG or a pulmonary function study, no need to make a second trip – just make the corner! Previously available only by travel outside the area, critical tests such as Echocardiograms (EKG) and Electroencephalograms (EEG ) are now provided right here close to home — as well as a “take home test,” the Holter Monitor. This lightweight, non-invasive piece of equipment is a portable Electrocardiogram that will monitor your heart and actually record its every move on cassette for 24 hours while you go about your normal activities.
Recognized for our Pulmonary expertise, GRMC has been a respiratory therapist teaching hospital for over 12 years. Our technicians hold credentials as Certified Respiratory Therapists and Respiratory Care Practitioners. In addition to providing hospital patients with needed respiratory intervention, our experienced staff also offers breathing treatments on an outpatient basis as well as pulmonary function studies to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma patients and those suffering from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).
We at GRMC encourage everyone to take advantage of our CPR classes usually held twice a month. CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) doubles a person’s chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest, the leading cause of death in adults. 75% of all cardiac arrests happen in people’s homes. CPR must begin within four minutes to provide oxygenated blood to the brain and heart — while EMS help is on the way. You may be called on to make that difference for a friend or loved one. Let us help you be prepare.