If you would like to make an open records request, please follow the instructions listed below:
Your request must be in writing. For your convenience, we have provided a form to use in your request. Please click on the link below to retrieve the Open Records Request Form.
Your request should be for documents or other information that is already in existence. Governmental bodies are not required to answer questions, perform legal research, or comply with a continuing request to supply information on a periodic basis as such information is prepared in the future.
We recommend that all requests be addressed to the Officer for Public Information. Michael Honea acts as the Glen Rose Medical Center Officer for Public Information. Requests made by facsimile or electronic mail must be addressed to the Officer for Public Information in order to trigger an obligation under the Public Information Act.
A request may be sent by mail to:
P.O. BOX 2099
Glen Rose, Texas 76043.
A request may also be faxed to (254) 897-1427. If you would like to e-mail your request, please call Michael Honea at (254) 897-1471 to obtain the e-mail address. You are also welcome to hand deliver your request to the Glen Rose Medical Center Administration Office located on the second floor.
Open Records Request Form