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Specialty Clinic

surgical dripper closeup


Anesthesiologists are physicians specializing in preoperative care, development of an anesthetic plan and the administration of anesthetics for surgeries and other procedures.
Julie Greene, D.O.



Cardiologists specialize in diagnosing and treating problems relating to the cardiovascular system- the heart, arteries and veins.  These disorders include coronary heart disease, hypertensive heart disease, rheumatic heart disease, infectious heart disease and heart defects present at birth.  Cardiologists at Glen Rose Medical Center perform a variety of diagnostic testing and procedures including electrocardiograms (EKGs), echocardiograms, cardiac stress tests and pacemaker placements.
Andrew Miller, M.D.
Daniel Jipsecu, D.O.

EKG monitor


GRMC’s broad-based Cardio/Pulmonary department conducts a full scope of heart and respiratory diagnostics in one convenient suite. If your physician in our medical complex orders an EKG or a pulmonary function study, no need to make a second trip – just make the corner! Previously available only by travel outside the area, critical tests such as Echocardiograms (EKG) and Stress Testing are now provided right here close to home — as well as a “take-home test,” the Holter Monitor. This lightweight, non-invasive piece of equipment is a portable Electrocardiogram that will monitor your heart and actually record its every move for 24 – 48 hours while you go about your normal activities.
Recognized for our Pulmonary expertise, GRMC has been a respiratory therapist teaching hospital for over 12 years. Our technicians hold licenses as Respiratory Care Practitioners. In addition to providing hospital patients with needed respiratory intervention, our experienced staff also offers breathing treatments on an outpatient basis as well as pulmonary function studies to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma patients and those suffering from COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease).

Doctor Surgery Masked

General Surgery

General surgeons perform consultation and surgery on medical conditions involving the breast, endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, colon, liver, pancreas and rectum. Operative surgery involves incision into the skin or other organs, inspection or removal of diseased tissue or organs, relief of obstruction, replacement of structures to their normal position, redirection of body channels, transplant of tissues or whole organs and implantation of mechanical or electronic devices.
Stephen Erck, M.D.

Patient Consultation


Glen Rose Medical Center understands that women have unique health concerns and that’s why we offer health programs to addresses these needs. From preventive education and screenings, we provide a full range of services to support women’s optimal health and wellness.
Nabil Aboukhair M.D.

The doctor adjusts the health of the person .

Internal Medicine

Internal medicine is a medical specialty in which physicians apply scientific knowledge and clinical expertise to diagnose and treat adults with a very broad range of health concerns and diseases.
Julia Hutchinson, M.D.
Paul Borgfeld, M.D.

Woman Receiving Radiation Therapy/ Radiotherapy Treatments for Cancer


Oncologists diagnose and treat cancer, and manage their patient’s care from the point of diagnosis throughout the course of the disease.  An oncologist will explain the cancer diagnosis and stage, and discuss all treatment options and the best course of treatment.  There are a variety of cancer types and treatments.
David D’Spain, D.O.
Ann Ochs, D.O.

Mid section of man suffering with knee pain


Orthopedists specialize in problems affecting bones, joints or the related muscles, tendons and ligaments. Orthopedists set broken bones, treat joint conditions such as dislocated or slipped disks, arthritis and back problems, bone tumors and skeletal birth defects. They may also surgically repair or replace hip, knee and finger joints. Recovery from almost any orthopedic problem requires time. It often takes considerable time to heal a fractured bone or to recover from a back injury. Many serious diseases and disorders treated by orthopedists require rehabilitation, counseling, and treatment.
Kraig Pepper, M.D.

Back pain in office back pain office

Pain Management

Pain management is a branch of medicine with primary focus on easing the suffering and improving the quality of life for patients living with chronic pain. Providers specializing in pain management have the ability to evaluate, diagnose and treat chronic pain conditions.
Bradley Keneson, D.O.
William Moore, M.D.

O2 Pressure gauge for measured control of oxygen to a patient in an emergency used in hospital equipment plugged into the wall with clear glass valve

Respiratory Therapy

The Respiratory Care Department helps patients with known or suspected pulmonary disease or dysfunction. Our respiratory team works to help patients improve the quality of their lives by improving breathing.  Our licensed Respiratory Care Practitioners work together with physicians, nurses and other clinicians to evaluate patient needs and develop treatment plans for each patient.  In addition to providing hospital patients with respiratory intervention, our experienced staff also offers respiratory treatments on an outpatient basis as well as pulmonary function studies to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of asthma patients and those suffering from COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease).
Our Respiratory Department also offers Pulmonary Rehab and C.A.R.E. Program to help with patient’s quality of daily living.
We at GRMC encourage everyone to take advantage of our CPR Classes held every month.  CPR (Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation) doubles a person’s chance of survival from sudden cardiac arrest, the leading cause of death in adults.  75% of all cardiac arrests happen in people’s homes.  CPR should be started as soon as possible.  Early CPR improves the flow of blood and oxygen to vital organs.  By keeping the brain supplied with oxygenated blood, chances of neurological damage are decreased.

Doctor Patient Conversation


The Urogynecology specialists have experience treating the female urinary and reproductive tract. In addition to four years of general obstetrics and gynecology training, they have three years of training in women’s pelvic health and pelvic reconstructive surgery.
Christopher Ripperda M.D.

Urology Center


Urologists specialize in the structure, functioning and disorders of the urinary tract which includes the kidneys, ureters, bladder and urethra. Urologists also treat the male reproductive tract.
Zain Hyder, M.D.

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